Monday, May 8, 2017

What is Black Magic ?

Black magic is the negative use of energies and power by evil minded humans. People who practise black magic or take the help of professional black magicians are extremely dedicated people who have one goal in their minds to harm or deprive others from living peaceful lives make them sick, bed ridden and kill them .

All humans have their two sides as well as evil, all human have different ratios of evil and divine within them, on the other hands there are some humans who turned 99.9% evil and the remaining divinity within them is overtaken by darkness.

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Black magic is used to harm or hurt another human, by performing certain rituals, making human or animal sacrifices to appease and control the spirits.

 Once the black magician has acquired the necessary control over the spirit world, the acquire the power to inflict harm on their victims sitting thousands of miles away as time and space do not exist in spirit world. With increase of jealousy , frustration, greed, selfishness , negativity and inability to accept other’s happiness and growth , the use of black magic has become the common way to take out one’s life and get an evil kind of satisfaction  from the turmoil of others. Everyday many prosperous and happy families are being ruind by the black magic

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