Friday, April 14, 2017

Tamil New Year

Auspicious Friday

Every religion has its own calendar, but the Hindus have many. In a culturally diverse India, New Year is celebrated on different dates and in different ways. Tamil New Year is observed on the first day of Chithirai month, which usually falls on April 14.

Tamil New Year, which is known as Puthandu is celebrated to welcome the new year with new hopes and inspiration. Tamils make it special by wearing new clothes, preparing sweets and by visiting temples. As per beliefs, Lord Brahma started the process of creating the universe on this auspicious day.

P.S > To all my Indian friends Happy Tamil New Year _/\_

The right way to determine your future is by creating it and there is no better time to start than this new year! Have a fulfilling new year! Happy Puthandu!

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