Saturday, April 29, 2017

The two most inadequate words in the English - I'm Sorry!

BY: Santtana Looganaden

“An apology is a lovely perfume; it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift.”
Margaret Lee Runbeck

Don’t apologise for telling someone how you feel; whether it’s something good or bad. 

Don’t apologise for your honesty or your feelings.

Don’t apologise for protecting your heart whether by being too guarded or walking away too soon. Sometimes you’re the only one who knows how to heal yourself.

Don’t apologise for following your heart either. 

Don’t apologise for making a decision that will make you happy. Even if it might disappoint some people, if you truly believe it’s right for you, you should not feel guilty about it.

Don’t apologise for your vulnerability. For crying when you’re upset, for needing space when you’re confused and don’t apologise for the way you choose to handle your pain.Don’t apologise for being a bad friend to someone who wasn’t there for you when you needed them. You learn who your true friends are when times get rough.

Don’t apologise for taking a chance on someone who’s wrong for you. Don’t listen to the ‘I told you so’ and ‘we warned you.’ 
Don’t apologise for asking for closure. It’s not a crime. It’s not too needy. It’s not too crazy. It’s your right. 

Sometimes apology is the shell we wrap around us to escape the real world, but why bother. This side of you shows the real you. So don't be ashamed of being you. 

Love takes two or more working parts.

By: Santtana looganaden


We humans have an innate habit of taking positive/good things for granted, whereas the disappointments/failures or negative/bad things shake us pretty badly and we cling on to them for too long. Hence their expression becomes easy for us. People normally do not remember much if someone treats them in a good manner, umpteen times, but the moment someone treats them badly, it becomes a lifelong affair, forever imprinted in their psyche/memory.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Festival Seni Unisel

By: Santtana Looganaden

Seni Alat Pembebasan? Seni Untuk Masyarakyat’

Seni adalah segala sesuatu yang diciptakan manusia yang mengandung unsur keindahan dan mampu membangkitkan perasaan orang lain. Menurut aristoteles seni adalah bentuk yang pengungkapannya dan penampilannya tidak pernah menyimpang dari kenyataan dan seni itu adalah meniru alam.

Festival Seni Unisel yang kali pertamanya diadakan di University Selangor, Unisel dihadiri oleh panelis yang profesional dalam bidangnya tersendiri seperti Dinsman atau lebih dikenali dengan asalnya Shamsudin Osman yang merupakan penulis isu sastera dan politik di Malaysia. Yassin Salleh iaitu Penulis dan Pengarah Filem, Penasihat Eksekutif Editorial Karangkraf Datuk Abdul Jalil Ali serta Jalius Jaibin sebagai Wakil Mahasiswa dengan moderator yang juga Pensyarah Fakulti Komunikasi, Seni Visual dan Pengkomputeran Unisel, Ismail Hashim.

Penasihat Eksekutif Editorial Sinar Harian, Datuk Abdul Jalil Ali berkata, dalam konteks hari ini, sekiranya media sosial seperti Facebook juga dianggap sebagai medium seni, maka penggunanya perlu bertanggungjawab, berwibawa dan mempunyai hasrat murni ketika menggunakan medium tersebut. 

Karya seni dalam pelbagai medium mampu mempengaruhi dan membentuk budaya masyarakat namun, masyarakat perlu tahu dan bijak memilih, sama ada seni itu bersesuaian atau tidak untuk mereka.
Dinsman berkata, saya yang merupakan seorang aktivis seni tidak menyukai seni itu sebagai alat kebebasan. Jika seni sebagai alat pembebasan saya berasakan seperti memperalatkan seni, kerana itulah sebabnya saya kurang bersetuju.

“Pengalaman saya berkarya, karya terakhir saya iaitu Teater yang bertajuk Atas Pokok yang pentaskan di Tasik Shah Alam. Sebagai seniman dan aktivis seni, setiap individu akan melalui proses kreativiti dalam menghasilkan karya dengan pelbagai cara berbeza. Ada yang mudah dan ada juga yang sukar.”

“Proses ini menyebabkan seniman rasa resah dan gelisah dissebabkan ada sesuatu hidup dalam diri individu tersebut dan menuntut supaya individu tersebut terus berkarya.” katanya.

Dalam pada itu, Abdul Jalil kesal dengan sikap masyarakat sering menerima bulat-bulat ‘fakta’ daripada media sosial tanpa ada kecenderungan untuk menyiasat, sama ada maklumat diterima itu benar atau tidak.

“Apa saja maklumat diperoleh dianggap benar, dia boleh membentuk pendapat sendiri hanya dengan satu atau dua perkataan atau satu dua gambar. Ini salah. Pertama, penggiat seni media sosial itu sudah fitnah. Kedua penerima seni itu, ‘main bantai’ kata semua sekali betul, akhirnya wujud masyarakat kelam kelibut seperti sekarang.

“Sama seperti seni-seni lain dianggap bernilai tinggi oleh pihak lain dan sebagainya yang sebenarnya hanya picisan, hingga masyarakat kita terikut-ikut dan terpengaruh dengan trend yang ditayangkan oleh stesen TV, media dan sebagainya,” katanya.

Beliau tidak menafikan, sebagai kolumnis dan kadangkala mengkritik, ada risikonya juga, namun menegaskan perlu bertanggungjawab terhadap karya ditulis.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination

I cannot stress enough on the importance of making oneself happy. When you leave your happiness in someone else’s hands, you’ll end up being dependent on them and when they leave you, you’ll become empty. 
Related imageFor instance, the purpose of having a better half is so that you can share your happiness with them. You’re not supposed to depend on them to make you happy.
Happiness is a choice. You have the ability to control your own emotions. You get to decide if you want to stay happy forever or not. Do not let anything or anyone spoiled you from your own happiness. Drop the negative people and dramas in your life. Choose to do more activities that’ll bring you joy for as long they are not detrimental to your soul.


If I were asked, "How can you tell if a person is mature?" I would respond by saying, "If a person consistently acts in a mature manner, he would be a mature person. However, if on the other hand he consistently acts in an immature manner, you can be certain that he would be an immature person. While none of us is perfect or completely mature, if we understand the characteristics of maturity, we can work on these to grow in maturity.

What many fail to see is that we cannot have spiritual maturity without a healthy level of emotional maturity. While our spiritual maturity will be reflected in the quality of our relationship to God, emotional maturity will be reflected in the quality of our relationships with people. They go hand in hand. As God's Words say, "If anyone says, 'I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen." Many may disagree, but in reality I'm no closer to God that I am to people.

Spiritual and emotional maturity will pretty much guarantee that we will have quality relationship with God, others and our self.


The thoughts

We cannot control the way people interpret our ideas or thoughts, but we can control the words and tones we choose to convey them. Peace is built on understanding, and wars are built on misunderstandings. Never underestimate the power of a single word, and never recklessly throw around words. One wrong word, or misinterpreted word, can change the meaning of an entire sentence and start a war. And one right word, or one kind word, can grant you the heavens and open doors.” 

How to be a great writer

Advice from Stephen King book on how to be an amazing writer:

1. Stop watching television. Instead, read as much as possible.

If you’re just starting out as a writer, your television should be the first thing to go. It’s “poisonous to creativity,” he says. Writers need to look into themselves and turn toward the life of the imagination.
To do so, they should read as much as they can. King takes a book with him everywhere he goes, and even reads during meals. “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot,” he says. Read widely, and constantly work to refine and redefine your own work as you do so.

2. Prepare for more failure and criticism than you think you can deal with.

King compares writing fiction to crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a bathtub, because in both, “there’s plenty of opportunity for self-doubt.” Not only will you doubt yourself, but other people will doubt you, too. “If you write (or paint or dance or sculpt or sing, I suppose), someone will try to make you feel lousy about it, that’s all,” writes King.
Oftentimes, you have to continue writing even when you don’t feel like it. “Stopping a piece of work just because it’s hard, either emotionally or imaginatively, is a bad idea,” he writes. And when you fail, King suggests that you remain positive. “Optimism is a perfectly legitimate response to failure.” 

3. Don’t waste time trying to please people.

According to King, rudeness should be the least of your concerns. “If you intend to write as truthfully as you can, your days as a member of polite society are numbered anyway,” he writes. King used to be ashamed of what he wrote, especially after receiving angry letters accusing him of being bigoted, homophobic, murderous, and even psychopathic.
By the age of 40, he realized that every decent writer has been accused of being a waste of talent. King has definitely come to terms with it. He writes, “If you disapprove, I can only shrug my shoulders. It’s what I have.” You can’t please all of your readers all the time, so King advises that you stop worrying. 
Santtana Looganaden

No matter how big you smile, you know it's there.

By: Santtana Looganaden

You smile a lot. 

People meet you for the first time and often mention that. 

Your energy is infectious and full of joy. 

Your friends joke that you’re happy even when you shouldn’t be. 

You’re silly and a little loud; every photo of that exists of you online you’re seen laughing or grinning. 

To the outside world, you look so happy. You always look so happy.

But what if you aren’t?

See, there’s this idea about what pain and sadness looks like.
It’s someone who doesn’t go out to socialise. 

Someone who watches TV for 6 hours straight. 

Like a human Eeyore. 

Gloomy and sad. 

Lifeless, really.

Depression, pain, heartbreak — it looks different on everyone. 

It’s not one-size-fits-all. 

And just because you can’t see it on someone, just because you can’t tell they’re struggling, doesn’t mean they aren’t being affected.
Because when you’re the happy person, when you’re the smiley social butterfly, no one expects you to be hurting inside.
No one assumes there are things that go beyond the exterior. No one thinks 
there’s pain past the friendly outside.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Why Communication is important ?

Communication is a process of sending and receiving information among people. Humans communicate with others not only by face-to-face communication, but also by giving information via the Internet and printed products such as books and newspapers. 

Moreover, communication is the foundation of all human relationship. At first, strangers start talking and getting to know each other, and then the relationships are formed when they have more interaction and communication. Communicating helps people to express their ideas and feelings, and it, at the same time, helps us to understand emotion and thoughts of the others. As a result, we will develop affection or hatred toward other people, and positive or negative relationships will be created.
It is no doubt that communication plays a vital role in human life. It not only helps to facilitate the process of sharing information and knowledge, but also helps people to develop relationships with others. Therefore, the importance of communication cannot be underestimated. Every day, we communicate with a lot of people including our families, our friends, our colleagues, or even strangers. We should learn how to communicate effectively to make our lives better.

Negative effects of Gadgets

Isn't technology an integral part of our daily life? People around the world rely on gadgets for things like communication, organisation and employment. Everyday, we see people talking on their cell phone, tapping away on a laptop or listening to their MP3 or Ipod. While technology is impressive, there are certain drawbacks in areas like health, public safety and education that should be addressed as well. Being forget of these dangers. Gadgets can help diminish or reverse these negative effects of gadgets we use.
Here are some of the negative effects of using gadgets on our health:
  • Aggression
  • Obesity
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Dry Eyes
  • Hearing Problems
  • Leads To Infidelity
  • Cancer
  • Back Pain
  • Lose Track Of Your Surrounding
  • Stress

Never Stop Making wishes

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Everyone has wishes that they consider to be "impossible." In truth, many of these wishes are realistically achievable. For other wishes that are simply improbable or unrealistic, there are steps you can take to make them more likely to come true. Finally, for wishes that are truly impossible fantasies, there's nothing wrong with staying hopeful.

Where I can get solution for this???

The worst think ever then mathematics exam.
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The Rubik’s Cube has come a long way since its invention in Communist Hungary. The puzzle that would capture the world’s imagination was invented by Erno Rubik, an enigmatic professor of architecture, in 1974. Rubik is famously publicity-shy, and has a Sphinx-like love of riddles and elliptical comments when he does speak.

Rubik’s Cube was a smash. By 1982, just two years after its international debut, 100 million had been sold. A market for how-to guides emerged, and Cube-­related books soared to the top of best-seller lists. A National Geographic spread in the early 1980s showed two Amazonian Indians in loincloths fiddling with a Cube. Ronald Reagan, apparently unaware the puzzle was invented in a Communist country, hailed the Cube’s success as an example of American entrepreneurial genius.

Gold For Malaysia

National track cycling ace Mohd Azizulhasni Awang put up a blistering ride en route to securing Malaysia's first ever gold medal at the UCI Track Cycling World Championships in Hong Kong .

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Azizulhasni Awang made history on the Rio Velodrome Tuesday night as the 28-year-old won Malaysia's first ever Olympic Games cycling medal by finishing third in the men's Keirin final. In the final, which was twice delayed with riders passing the derny, Awang positioned himself in first wheel then jumped onto the wheel of Jason Kenny around the final bend, getting the better of a fading Joachim Eilers (Germany) to claim bronze with Matthijs Buchli (Netherlands) winning silver.


Memories are timeless treasure of the heart

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Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. There is no end to education.

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Believe in yourself

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Where words fail music speaks

You can't touch the music,
but music can touch you.
Thinoshini Manivelloo

In the weekend and at some point you'll probably relax to your favourite music, watch a film with a catchy title track - or hit the dance floor.
Related imageThere's no doubt that listening to your favourite music can instantly put you in a good mood. But scientists are now discovering that music can do more for you than just lift your spirits.
Research is showing it has a variety of health benefits.
Fresh research from Austria has found that listening to music can help patients with chronic back pain.
And a recent survey by Mind - the mental health charity - found that after counselling, patients found group therapy such as art and music therapy, the most useful.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

How You Can Use Honey And Cinnamon For Weight Loss?

BY: Santtana Looganaden

The combination of Honey and Cinnamon is one among the best combinations which deals with a lot of health issues such as heart diseases, toothaches, arthritis, curing skin disorders, blood pressure, relieving stress, and most importantly weight loss without any kind of adverse effects. It helps in reducing the cholesterol levels, boosting the insulin levels and also the immune system. Also, we will tell you here how you can use honey and cinnamon for weight loss.

These days, obesity and overweight are some of the commonly found problems in people, and a lot of people are looking for natural methods to free themselves from these problems. However, of many spices and natural products, cinnamon and honey are found to be highly effective in helping people put off weight.

Honey and Cinnamon Benefits For Your Weight Loss

You might have doubts on the fact that honey and cinnamon can actually help you cure many health problems, specially weight loss. But let me tell you, you will get answers for all your doubts and questions about honey and cinnamon for weight loss.

⟹The mixture of cinnamon and honey will aid you in reducing the blood sugar levels and also cholesterol, which will result in controlling your overweight problems and obesity.
Their combination will help you in getting rid of bacteria, fungus, and parasites that are found in your digestive system, also resulting in weight loss.

⟹The combination will also contain your appetite that makes you feel full and not have desperate food cravings.

⟹Their mixture will also avoid your body from putting on fat. However, they show best of the results only when you consume it regularly. Consuming the mixture regularly will not let fat to get accumulated in your body, even when you were having a high-calorie food diet.

Take a look at these methods to understand the idea of using honey and cinnamon for weight loss, and try those effective methods for weight loss.

1. Organic Cinnamon Powder

Grab a tablespoon of cinnamon powder (organic) and mix it in a bowl of boiling water.
Mix it well and let it stay for ten to fifteen minutes and it would take some while to cool down the water.

Later, add a teaspoon of organic raw honey into that water. Mix it well and blend it well.
Drink half a cup of the drink in the morning when you have an empty stomach. Drink half a cup more in forty five minutes after your meal. Keep drinking the mix two times everyday and you will be losing weight, gaining the slim, young and beautiful look.

2. Honey and Cinnamon With Water

Grab a tablespoon of organic raw honey and blend it with half a tablespoon of cinnamon powder (do not add sugar). On a pan, boil a bowl of water in it. Later add the cinnamon and honey mix into the water. Stir it thoroughly and pour down the mix into two equal servings in cups. Let it cool down for some minutes and later drink on of the cups before you have your breakfast, and another one must be consumed nearly half an hour before you are about to have your lunch or supper. This process can help you in losing weight for nearly five pounds in a week without having to follow a strict diet.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Smile :)

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Funny :(

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Syukur , Rezeki

By : Damia Nursyaza

Syukur ? senang untuk di ucapkan tapi kenapa begitu susah kan kita faham atau terima .
 Ye , sebagai manusia harus bersyukur kerana apa bersyukur itu nikmat dari Tuhan . Tuhan bagi semua yang kita perlukan untuk hidup tapi kita ada sifat TAMAK yang tak pernah habis. TAMAK TAMAK TAMAK itulah sifat manusia . Kita tak pernah puas dengan apa yang kita miliki dan kita sendiri ciptakan titik noktah  kebahagian kita . Kita letak kebahagian kita dengan harta atau duit baru kita bersyukur tetapi kita sendiri faham yang dunia ini tak pernah kekal dan harta tak pernah habis . Bila kita letak kebahagian dengan harta dan syukur kita salah . Bersyukur setiap nafas , setiap minit , setiap saat dan setiap ucapan . Bersyukur tak perlu kayu ukur dengan harta atau kebendaan kerana syukur itu sifat yang harus ada pada setiap manusia .

Rezeki , Seringkali kita bising yang rezeki tak pernah ada atau pon kita tak mempunyai rezeki . Rezeki itu bukan hak kita . Rezeki itu milik Tuhan dan tuhan tahu akan siapa pemilik rezeki itu . Rezeki itu tak perlu di jemput atau di bisingkan kerana apa rezeki itu memang ada tetapi perlu sabar dan sabar dan sabar . Ia tak pernah lambat atau cepat tetapi ia hadir bila kita memerlukan .

A poison that kills

BY: Santtana Looganaden

When you have anxiety, you think that everyone is going to leave you.

Your mind over-analyse everything. It’s one wrong Facebook message. One conversation where you wonder if you said too much. It’s a text unanswered that sends your mind wandering. And a call that goes right to voicemail. It’s a second text to clarify, just hoping they will answer. Even though you know you should have waited.

Anxiety is self-doubt. 

Anxiety is overthinking.

It’s the waiting for people to leave. It’s ruining something before it even begins. It’s goodbye without the word that becomes an expectation. It’s the nights that keep you up tossing and turning. It’s not hearing from someone for a while and thinking they are mad, even though realistically they have no reason to be. 

Practically, it's a poison that kills you slowly. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Mermaid Brush

By: Santtana Looganaden

The Chubby Mermaid Carve & Contour Paddle Brush created by The Mermaid Salon, an Australian-based company, is just too adorable to use. Photos: The Mermaid Salon Instagram

There are makeup brushes, and there are amazing make-up brushes. The Chubby Mermaid Carve & Contour Paddle Brush created by The Mermaid Salon, an Australian-based company, is just too adorable and falls in the latter.

This carve and contour brush nicely fits your palm and is a multipurpose, vegan makeup brush designed with the versatility to apply powder foundation, blush, highlight or contour. What more do you need?

Its flat shiny body is designed with fish or mermaid scales and you can choose from a choice of silver, rose gold or matte black.
The salon called it “the chunky little mermaid bum that broke Instagram.”
These brushes have sold out and the salon has been restocking them, and luckily for us they ship internationally.
So, if you’re ready to channel Ariel, it’s time to own the real mermaid’s brush!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Mauritius must-sees

By: Santtana Looganaden

No one needs help finding a beautiful beach in Mauritius, but there's tons to explore away from the water as well.
For a small nation, Mauritius overflows with scenic hikes through the mountains, amazing food and historic areas that trace the island's globe-spanning history.

Grand Bassin

Sacred lake: Grand Bassin

When the volcanoes that created Mauritius died out, one of the craters filled with water and became a lake known as Grand Bassin.

It's also known as Ganga Talao, a name that links the water symbolically to the Ganges River in India. The waters here have taken on a similarly religious significance, with a shrine to Lord Shiva dominating the lakeside.

 "Grand Bassin is a lake which is considered to be one of the most sacred places in Mauritius, especially for the Hindu community," says Sarvesh Unuth, an English teacher visiting the lake.

He says it can get crowded, visited by more than half the island's population in a few weeks during the Shivratri festival celebrated annually in honour of Lord Shiva.

On other days, it's a place of tranquil reflection with a micro climate cooler than the rest of Mauritius.

Le Morne

A haven for escaped slaves: Le Morne
The mountain at Le Morne only opened to the public last year, allowing visitors to explore the site of one of the world's most significant communities of escaped slaves.
Le Morne Heritage Trust Fund's offices are in the nearby village of Le Morne, where visitors can meet with guides who explain the significance of the mountain.
With cliffs on three sides, the mountaintop provided an easily defensible site for maroons, as the escapees were known, who recreated traditions of mainland Africa and gave birth to a new form of music, sega.