Thursday, March 16, 2017

Mirror Talk

'For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way of life’

Do you talk to the mirror? 
Well I do, people call it insane or more or less crazy, but little did they know talking to mirror is one step closer to attain your castle in Spain. This reverse psychology method is the most simple and effective yet powerful self-esteem and self-confidence building exercises, usually done to boast one's confidence and reduce the negative talk.

I started talking to mirror, probably at the age of 14. At the beginning it was because I had no one to talk to. Being the only girl surrounded with boys whom don’t really do ‘girly talk’, mirror was my escape.

Mummy scolds whenever I talk to myself or to the mirror but for certain reason I’d prefer the mirror as my companion. Why? Mirror reflects whom and what we are, no drama and it’s purely you and yourself. Smile to the mirror, it reflects your smile back to you. Simple as that. Do it every morning before starting your day and you’ll see  the difference in life. I did and right now there’s no one else I love more than myself.

By: Santtana Looganaden
16 March 2017; 11.27 P.M.

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